
Self-employed/Entrepreneurial Women's (i) Networking Group

Once upon a time, women gathered together to work on shared or individual projects. As they worked they talked, sharing confidences, experiences, and problems. They found they had problems in common, and by cooperating, developed innovative solutions. Sometimes just sharing (and finding out that others had similar experiences) was enough. The process allowed them to learn and grow by helping each other. It was called a sewing circle.

Today, working women face increasing isolation as outsourcing and telecommuting increase, and more and more women leave the corporate world trying to make it on their own. In the demanding process of starting a new business, there is often little time for a social life, further adding to the isolation and increasing the chances of burnout.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a circle of friends who could meet in a non-competitive atmosphere to exchange ideas? A place where you could ask how others have handled problems you currently face? A place where you could share your experiences with others who are just starting out?

Welcome to the SEWiNG Circle, where the focus is on cooperation, not competition,
and the (i) stands for information, ideas, and imagination.

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© 1999 Betsy A. Riley,