Back in 1998, I did a pro-bono site for the Historic Fort Sanders Neighborhood Association, to support their battle to "save the fort" (from high density development plans that would destroy the character of the neighborhood). The site contained news and information about efforts to preserve this threatened neighborhood in the heart of Knoxville. When I still lived in Knoxville, I loved attending concerts and performances at the Laurel Theater, especially the "Primitive Light" perfomrances by Circle Modern Dance. I also loved hanging out at the 11th Street Expresso House -- taking in art exhibits, mini-concerts, and poetry readings. I'm sorry to see that the Expresso House is no more. Fortuately, the Laurel Theater is still being supported by Jubilee Communitee Arts, so you too can see the beautiful stained glass windows and hardwood floors, while you enjoy the great acoustics.
In 2007, I asked to handover the website duties to someone else. I was told that the Association was in the process of creating a new, OFFICIAL, website, but apparently that hasn't happened. Since I still get a lot of hits for my old "save the fort" pages, there's apparently still value in some of the information. I've omitted the meeting notes and letters about pending city council actions (from what I can tell, most of the battle was lost!), but here are the links to the reference materials.
- Benefits of historic preservation
- Links to reference works on historic preservation
- Connections to Fort Sanders and Knoxville in literature
- coming soon: connections to music and movies
Don't let the memories and history fade away...
Save the Fort!